Thursday, November 10, 2011

what we seem

People surprise us. No one is ever really what they seem, or rather if I may, how we presume they seem, how we project or hope they may respond, how they may simply be in life. One can never make assumptions about anyone because in truth, no one really ever knows the other. Not truly. I don't mean this to be morose, only ventilating a healthy dose of fresh realism I've gathered. Point blank: The will of another is their own. We can’t know what lies in another person’s soul, how they were brought to be, what makes them tick. We can’t know what the actions and reactions of others will be and how it will affect our lives in just one moment or with just one word or the accumulation thereof. We as humans are so fragile really, all wanting to connect, yet leaving so much of that in the fate of others. It seems unfair sometimes. I believe in goodness, in the good in people. It is a strange and oddly sobering reminder when the all-too common unpleasantness in people greets me, when the wounds and individual stories of people shuts me and mine out, quietly closes the door on my toes and yearning heart, as I laugh a tear and realize I never knew them at all. When I whisper, I assumed this one was different. But I remember, people surprise me. Every time. And hope soars, loftier than any assumption or pain. It blooms into beautiful experiences from my eyes and I have learned much in this ride. And people do surprise. True they can burn more scalding than the sun, and ironically though they tempt with temporary warmth and shine, and though some feathers may fall from my wings, I am no Icarus. Warn me not. For I know, almost around every corner there is another who can soothe, heal, inspire. Today I was reminded of that beautiful, unexpected, surprise.

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