Friday, October 7, 2011

this kid

There are just some people in this world that I love laughing with. One of them happens to be 7, though at times she is also 17. She has an innocence about her and naivety while simultaneously seems greater than her years (in good ways and in the what-did-you-just-say? ways). It's this combination that makes her so beautifully unique. Her spunk and sense of humor fills my days with riotous laughter, uncontrollable snickering, and grab-my-side-belly-chuckling. She's been the source of so many of my brightest smiles.

Today was one of those perfect crisp fall days, where it was just chilly
enough for a light coat, but the sun happily radiated just enough heat to keep the earth warm, cozy. Peyton and I lay outside together on the grass, we looked to the impossibly striking cobalt sky, her head melted into the softness of my fleece jacket, resting on my chest, and then it came...

Most kids like ice cream. Some kids even love it. But Peyton?...No one, and I repeat, no one loves ice cream as much as this kid.

Peyton: Can I have ice cream today?
Me: Nope.
Peyton: Why? I didn't have any yesterday.
Me: You know why.
Peyton: Laughing.
Me: Laughing.
Peyton: But I had a dream that I was eating a whole giant huge bowl of brontosaurus crunch with chocolate sprinkles and I want to make the dream come true. Pleeeaaasse?
Me: laughing. Nope.
Peyton: Well, what if I just have a small cup of just plain chocolate?
Me: NO! You know why you can't have ice cream.
Peyton: Laughing.
Me: Did you really think you would get away with it?

At school Peyton had been using her lunch money to buy ice cream instead of milk. when we logged online to her account to see what was can imagine what we saw.

Peyton: Still laughing.
Me: Because at this point so much time had passed, and knowing how obsessed she is with ice cream, and...come on, it's pretty clever...she's only 7! I just laughed with her. I had already punished her for it. What did you actually buy Kid? ( I've called her "Kid" for years. It's become her name from me).
Peyton: Ice cream sandwiches, Hoodsies, I don't know. I can't help it!!!

And there we were, her head in my lap, she sheepishly laughing about her sneaky addiction to ice cream, and me adoring her for exactly who she is.

Like I said, 7 and 17. You can see the 17 in her eyes, and the 7 in her body language. She is a fascinating child.

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